Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A week of firsts!

We are excited over here because both Noah and Jillian had "firsts" this week.

First, Noah finally learned how to blow a bubble with bubble gum! He learned this while waiting for the flight from Chengdu so I thought I'd share it with you all. He also completed his first Sudoku puzzle. I was so impressed with that. He did one of the easy ones in my books all by himself. I was really surprised because I thought it was a bit too old for him, but he figured it out. He also started reading Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. He's doing really well with it, he's on Chapter 5 now.

Now to Jillian. Last night she lost her first tooth! It happened really fast. On Monday Night she came running down the stairs yelling "I got a loose tooth, I got a loose tooth" and she showed it to me. Sure enough one of her bottom teeth was a-wiggling. I think she must have played with it from then on straight because when she got home from school yesterday (Tuesday) the thing was practically hanging off.

Todd is in Vietnam right now so I called him to ask him if I should try and pull it out. I am so squeamish when it comes to all things dental, but Todd suggested I get a napkin and give a tug and see what happens. While still on the phone with him, I got a napkin, put it in Jillian's mouth and I didn't even have to tug...the tooth just came right off into the napkin.

So Jillian was so excited! We got the "tooth" pouch and she put it in there. Since Daddy is away, the kids sleep in my room with me, one on a mattress on the floor, one in bed with me (they take up too much space and kick entirely too much for both to sleep on the bed) We took pictures of Jillian putting the tooth under her pillow.

Apparently when the tooth fairy came, she could not find the tooth in the pouch. She knows it was in there earlier but for the life of her could not find it. Now, I had gone on a Girls Night Out and Lian had put the kids to bed so I didn't know what happened to the darn thing, it was in there when I left. So alas, the Tooth Fairy gave up looking, gave Jillian a Certificate for loosing her first tooth and a little note telling Jillian that she couldn't find the tooth but she needs to give it to Mommy if it is ever found.

Well, apparently Jillian knew the tooth was not in the pouch, apparently it had gone missing "mysteriously" after I left for dinner. She woke up with hysterical tears that didn't slow until she realized that the Tooth Fairy still came. She was worried that because she "lost" the tooth, she wouldn't come.

So, that's all the news for now.


yarnophiliac said...

Wow! Congrats to both kiddos! And kudos to JIllian for such successful wiggling. Rachel still won't wiggle her teeth and it takes MONTHS to lose a tooth!

DisneyKim90 said...

Does the tooth fairy even fly to China? Wow! No wonder she sometimes forgets to leave money or misses the tooth -- she must be exhausted flying around the world every night. Good job Jillian and Noah (for his bubble). Rosie likes those sudoko books too. There is a game of it on that she enjoys playing. It's uses the Lucky Charms marshmallows for pieces.

I'll show the girls the photos later this week. We're running to scouts and skating tonight. I've got bookclub at 9AM. David's interviewing today. Tomorrow is take your child to work and the lawnmower is being delivered. Run, run, run.


Wendy said...

Hey Guys! I am enjoying hearing about all of your escapades in China! The kids are getting sooooo big! Keep em' coming... the blogs, not the kids...